Monday, August 26, 2013

Project: Fantasy Football Gone Wrong

Project: Fantasy Football Gone Wrong
So based on my previous blog advising women not to participate in Fantasy Football, but to support their men during this highly demanding time of year, some of my female colleagues suggested a different type of Fantasy Football league…
“How about we create a Fantasy Football League based on which players are the hottest?”
…and being the competitor I am, why not give it a shot?! I created a basic league with 1 Quarterback, 2 Running Backs, 3 Receivers, a Tight End and a Kicker.  The scoring system is an extremely basic touchdown system with touchdowns being worth 10 points and field goals worth 5.  Keep it simple!
From the moment we decided to move forward with the league, my fellow female co-workers went to work! Googling the hottest football players and making their lists.. asking their friends for advice..
“Who’s Peyton Hillis?... He has huge biceps, I like that!”
Tom Brady was the #1 target as expected.  But since, he could only be selected by one lucky lady, the race for the second hottest QB was in full effect.  There was a debate on Drew Brees.  Eli Manning didn’t get much love.  Colin Kaepernick received some attention.  Andy Dalton.. not so much. 
For countless hours, they researched, made lists and did their due diligence to create an in-depth analysis of the players they’re interested in. 
So what’s the point of this project?  To show women how much fun, time consuming, strenuous and competitive Fantasy Football can be.  The draft’s tomorrow… and it should be quite interesting!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

One Man's Fantasy...

It’s been said that the way to a man’s heart is in the kitchen. Well I have news for you ladies, while your cook game needs to be strong, the quickest way to tap into a man’s emotions is by catering to his biggest and strongest obsession: Fantasy Football.
I know you’re sick of hearing about it. I’m sure you’re tired of the mock drafts, cheat sheets all over the bedroom, fantasy magazines next to the toilet (not the kind you’re used to) and the endless babbling about players you’ve never heard of.  Here’s what you need to understand ladies.. Fantasy Football is the ultimate battle of ego for men.  It combines intelligence with pure competition through a sport of brute force.  Week by week your man puts massive amounts of time and energy into his team.  Now it’s very easy to fall into the “jealousy” trap like most women.  Granted, it’s understandable.  You wish your man would put that same amount of effort and energy in you.. or the kids.. or chores around the house.  Unfortunately, that type of thinking won’t get you anywhere…

Use Fantasy Football to your advantage!  Know your man’s team inside and out!  Don’t get this confused.. he does not, by any means, WANT you to play Fantasy Football.  That’s his sanctuary, just like getting a pedicure is your safe haven.  Ask him who he drafted and regardless of whether or not you know the players, make him feel good about his team.  On Sunday’s, give him a little morning pre-game action to get his day started.  When he’s watching the games with his boys, stay in tune with a couple of his players.  It’s extremely vital that you know how his team’s doing BEFORE he comes home.  If his team had a rough day, sympathize with him…

“Hey honey, Jamaal Charles just couldn't get it going huh?.. How’s the rest of your team looking?”

A fantasy loss equates to him winning in the bedroom.  There’s only one type of sex better than “make-up” sex, and that’s “I just got my ass whooped in fantasy sex”… Losing in Fantasy Football can be debilitating.  Give him the opportunity to let out some of that built up aggression.  You’ll both walk away winners by the end of the night!

Victory! Victory! Victory!  It’s a must that you know when your man had a big day in Fantasy Football! The minute he walks in, stroke that ego! Let him know he’s a genius for starting Peyton Manning over Ryan Tannehill (duh)!  This is an event! Be spontaneous! Make it a night you both won’t forget!

These are simple steps to making your home a happy home during football season.  Remember, this is his moment.. his time.. use it to your advantage!

Need a Moment?

Courtesy of tears&fragility -
We've all been there before.. that moment in life where you look in the mirror and are unfamiliar with the reflection. You've been in your own skin. Years of your life have passed by and this is the first time you've realized that you truly don't know who you are. You spend countless amounts of time staring at yourself and you walk away with one question:

What are you doing with your life?

We're all in different places and we've all experienced life in different ways. Whether the aforementioned question pertains to your position in life, career or an intimate relationship, it's vital that you take some time to evaluate what's important to you. The majority of people who hate their job feel like they're trapped. Remember, you were able to obtain that job somehow and you can find another. Happiness is what we strive for in life, so why would you subject yourself for 40-plus hours a week to an employer who brings you countless amounts of despair? Life's too short and your time is too precious. Remember, you create your own happiness.. and if the situation you've put yourself in is making you unhappy, it's time to relieve yourself from that situation.

Being in a serious relationship can be a beautiful experience that provides endless amounts of happiness to your life. Unfortunately, there are many times where we find ourselves with someone who constantly makes us unhappy. We'll hold on to what was and put our future hopes into moments of the past. Love is the only emotion that makes us overlook our own happiness. How many times have you made life decisions based on the person you were with? Would you have made those same decisions if you were single at the time? The person you choose to share your life with should care about your happiness just as much as their own. The sad reality is that we push our lives to the side for the sake of the relationship. When you're truly in love, you should want to make the other person happy.. but not at the expense of your own life and happiness. It's a balance that has to be shared between both of you.

If you're at a point where you're questioning who you are, it's time to make some changes. Sometimes it's as easy as writing your goals and dreams on a sheet of paper. Don't let a situation hold you captive from your own happiness.